Parkinson's Resource Organization
Non-Profit Organizations & Charities
- 74785 Highway 111, Suite 208 Indian Wells CA 92210
- (760) 773-5628
- (877) 775-4111
- (760) 773-9803
- Send Email
- ParkinsonsResource.org
9:00 am to 5:00 pm M thru F
Driving Directions:
We're on Highway 111 between Hospitality Row and Cook Street in the Executive Urgent Care building.
About Us
Working so no one is isolated because of Parkinson's since 1990, Parkinson’s Resource Organization is dedicated to improving the quality of life for families and individuals affected by Parkinson’s disease through education, support, and practical resources. To address the acute needs of the Parkinson’s community – namely caregiver support and resource pooling – we built several core programs:
Support Groups – Through dedicated in-person support groups for caregivers and people with Parkinson's, we distribute new information quickly and build a community network that teaches and learns from itself.
Wellness Village Resource Directory – The Wellness Village is a free, virtual, vetted, digital resource directory of the best available providers and services within the Parkinson’s world, designed to ease the research burden and introduce constituents to a wide range of holistic and practical support services to navigate Parkinson’s and maximize quality of life.
Information & Education – Through our long-running newsletter, YouTube channel, and social channels, we educate audiences across the country – and the world – on the latest Parkinson’s news, tried and true lifestyle tips, research, and more. Open forums like our Village Meetings feature researchers, physical therapists, elder law attorneys, and more. One-on-one sessions with Jo Rosen provide direct access to over three decades of learned experience.
Memorial Wall – A virtual place to hold the memory of someone who lived with Parkinson’s or Parkinsonisms…and their family members, caregivers, and friends.
Video Media